

Business Essentials Training

In 2018, SCALE consulting began developing a program to present the essentials necessary to start a business with the hope it would be applicable in a variety of contexts. The current iteration consists of seven modules followed by a period of coaching and is available in-person and virtual. The ideal number of participants is 12 - 18 in person and 8-10 for a virtual cohort.

The training modules are designed to provide the participant with practical information to make the transition from technician to business owner. For example, taking someone who is good at baking and working through the process to start a bakery. The structure of each module places a heavy focus on applying the content specifically to the participant’s business. In addition, sessions include becoming comfortable talking about your business, knowing the financial impact of decisions, knowing your industry, and, ultimately, making the business a reality. The training sessions utilize group discussions, working in pairs and teams, and presenting to the group. These aspects provide the participants the opportunity to practice entrepreneurial skills while developing their business idea.

Training Plan

  • Module One The Business Idea

  • Module Two Financials

  • Module Three Business Processes

  • Module Four Marketing

  • Module Five Sales

  • Module Six Legal, Compliance & Registration

  • Module Seven Launch Plan or Next Steps & Planning for Success

The schedule of the modules can be tailored to fit the by the host and participants’ needs. Each module is designed to be 2-3 hours in length, depending on the topic.


Small Business Strategic Coaching

SCALE consulting knows starting a business can be full of tough decisions and feeling isolated. A good coach can help you make the right decisions and ease the feeling that you are alone.

Important note: Coaching is very different than consulting… Coaching is about asking questions and giving tools to make decisions. Consulting is about providing answers and making decisions.


Business Development Consulting

SCALE consulting works with organizations to generate and deploy a business development plan.